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Kagerou Daze

Kagerou Daze (カゲロウデイズ Kagerō Deizu) is a light novel series written by Jin (Shizen no Teki-P) and illustrated by Sidu and the sequel to the Manga Route. The series started May 30, 2012 and concluded in the eighth volume on December 29, 2017. The series, along with the manga, are licensed by Yen Press in North America. Kagerou Daze is currently the 18th best-selling light novel series of all time with 9 million copies sold, and in 2018 it was the 13th best-selling series.

    Jin has said there will be another novel series in the afterword of the last novel, and suggested it would be released Summer 2018, but it currently hasn't been released. He said in an interview released on November 29, 2018 that he's still experimenting on writing it and wants the next phase of Kagerou Project to be a "future saga". On June 8, 2019, Jin announced the next phase of the series set 3 years after the main story titled Kagerou Daze No.9, and he also said he wants to do a novel version of Mekakucity Actors before going to the future.

List of Volumes

Kagerou Daze, Vol 1_ In a Daze

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Kagerou Daze, Vol. 1_ In a Daze


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