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When did it begin?
    When did it all originally begin?

    I was supposed to travel from the countryside to the house of Hiyori’s relative for my summer courses.
    That was what was supposed to happen, I think.

    What was the name of that guy with the white hair in that house?
    I seem to remember it being something really weird.

    Not that I have any business saying that. My name—Hibiya—that’s pretty weird to some people, too.

    He was really tall and laid-back.
    Maybe I should ask Hiyori. She probably remembers the name.

    But I feel like I asked her a thousand times already, a long time ago.
    What was that name again…? Ah, it doesn’t matter.

    Come to think of it, where did Hiyori go?
    I know we left the house together.
    Have I ever wound up by myself like this before?
    I feel like I have…or maybe I haven’t.

    Huh…Now it’s starting to rain.
    I’m pretty sure this is the first time…

    Amid my constantly repeating dream,
    the unanticipated rain painted the town in a new light.
    The cicadas that cried out so loudly up until now,
    and the hot haze in the distance; they were both hidden today.
    “Did you come here by yourself?”
    “No…I came with a friend, but we got separated.”
    “A friend?”
    “Yeah. We’re always together. But I’m starting to feel like I won’t see her today…”
    “I see. Do you want to?”
    “…I do.”
    “Good. I wouldn’t worry, then. You, and her, you’re both…”
    “…Where are you going?”
    “Follow me if you want, but no regrets, all right?”
    “All right.”
    “Perfect. Let’s get going. I’m sure there are others waiting for us, ready to cooperate, just like you.”
    “I know there’s something out there that their ‘eyes,’ and your ‘eyes,’ can see…” 

    “—So whatever you do, never forget about today.”


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